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Welcome to the JOBST resource area!

Information for healthcare professionals and pharmacies

Providing you with the resources you need to successfully manage venous and lymphatic disease, as well as lipoedema and chronic oedema. Download our informative brochures, clinical papers and order forms for JOBST products. Can't find what you need? Just click here to contact us. We're happy to help.


Product brochures

Are you a healthcare professional looking for information about the JOBST product range? Download any of the brochures below to explore our extensive product range including wrap compression garments, flat-knit compression garments and circular-knit compression garments.

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JOBST Compression Therapy Catalogue

JOBST Confidence Sales Aid

JOBST Elvarex Sales Aid - Lower Limb

JOBST Elvarex Sales Aid - Upper Limb

JOBST FarrowWrap Sales Aid

JOBST RtW below knee and JOBST Classic order codes

JOBST Relax Brochure

JOBST UlcerCARE Liner Sales Aid

JOBST UlcerCARE Sales aid

His and Hers Lower Limb RtW Sales Aid

JOBST JoviPads Sales Aid

Clinical resources

Take a look at these clinical and educational resources to learn more about venous and lymphatic disease, and their symptoms, as well as managing chronic oedema. Explore the benefits of flat-knit compression garments to a patient's quality of life, how wrap compression garments can help your patient self-manage and much more.

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Best Practice Statement

Best Practice Statement - Wounds UK

The use of compression therapy for peripheral oedema: considerations in people with heart failure

British Journal of Community Nursing

Clinical benefits of JOBST Confidence

Comfortable and effective. A flat-knit garment that promotes adherence. BJN & BJCN.

UK Consensus Document - Managing Lymphoedema

UK Consensus Document

Practical issues in applying compression garments and wraps for management of lymphoedema

JCN 2017, Vol 31, No 4

Empowering patients to self-care with a Velcro wrap compression device

A JCN learning zone feature

Caring for swollen limbs with JOBST FarrowWrap


Can your patient self-manage?

Patients with chronic oedema

Managing venous leg ulcers

A complete guide

Supporting best practice - improving clinical outcomes

CASE for Chronic Oedema

Cause, Assess, Select, Evaluate

For better care and wound healing outcomes

CASE For Looking After Legs

Cause, Assess, Select, Evaluate

Chronic Oedema

Best practice in the community

British Journal of Community Nursing October 2017 Vol 22 No 10 (Suppl 1)

Relax in comfort and sleep well

using night-time compression to avoid recurrent oedema. BJN & BJCN & JWC

British Lymphology Society ePoster

Case report of night time compression

in 2 children with Primary Lymphoedema.

British Lymphology Society ePoster

ePoster Justine Whitaker Wounds UK 2016

Lymphoedema Management at Night

Views from Lymphoedema Patients across 5 Countries. Wounds UK 2016

This article is reprinted from the British Journal of Community Nursing Vol 22 No 10 Chronic Oedema October 2017

Impact of seamless compression garments

on limb functionality, comfort and quality of life

This article is reprinted from the British Journal of Community Nursing Vol 22 No 5 Chronic Oedema May 2017

Improving patient concordance in lymphoedema

with SoftFit technology

Lymphoedema results from a failure of the lymphatic system. The  consequences are swelling, skin and tissue changes and predisposition  to infection. Lipoedema, however, results from the predisposition of an  excessive number of fat cells in the lower limbs, typically from the ankle  to the waist. Management for lymphoedema consists of volume reduction,  reduction in shape distortion and improvement of skin condition. Treatment  consists of a two-phase approach including an intensive and maintenance  phase. The maintenance stage of treatment or self-care consists of skin  care, exercise and compression garments

Impact of JOBST Elvarex

knee and elbow functional zones on quality of life

This article is reprinted from the British Journal of Community Nursing Vol 22 No 5 Chronic Oedema May 2017

Managing ulceration and lymphorrhea in chronic oedema

Why choose a 2-in-1 compression  system for the management of  venous leg ulcers?

Venous leg Ulcer Study IV, VenUS IV

Why choose a 2-in-1 compression

system for the management of

venous leg ulcers?

Use of a wrap compression system in leg ulcer management

Case reports for JOBST UlcerCare

Managing venous leg ulceration

Case reports for JOBST UlcerCare

Inaccuracies in dispensing compression garments