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Fast prescription delivery

JOBST UK>Professionals>Ordering>Fast Prescription Delivery

Compression Ordered Efficiently and Delivered Fast

The ordering and prescribing of compression garments is sometimes like trying to do a jigsaw puzzle without all the pieces! JOBST Delivered and JOBST Online can help you put the puzzle pieces together for efficient ordering and fast delivery of prescribed JOBST compression garments.

Watch this video to see how all the pieces go together for a prescribed JOBST compression garment order

Get your JOBST Delivered envelopes

For a welcome pack containing freepost envelopes and leaflets for your patient, email jobstdelivered@jobst.com. You can also just request a top up of JOBST Delivered freepost envelopes through this email address.

Meeting the needs of you and your patients

  • Measuring form sent by post or online
  • Prescription sent by post or electronic prescribing system (EPS)
  • Delivery in 7 working days3
  • Free delivery direct to your patient's home or any other UK address
  • Compression Specialists offering support every step of the way

Efficient ordering and fast delivery help reduce delays in therapy

Delays in the patient receiving their compression garment can result in the garment no longer fitting and treatment being compromised (1). A Dispensing Appliance Contractor (DAC) specialising in compression can help to reduce inaccuracies in dispensing and improve delivery times (2).

Women with headphones on smiling

We're here to help

JOBST Delivered contact details
Telephone: 0808 196 6250
Opening Times: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Address: JOBST Delivered, FREEPOST, Unit 5, Heritage House, Cossall Industrial Estate, Ilkeston, Derby, DE7 5UD
EPS: JOBST Delivered (Daylong Direct, FJ708)

Dispenser of choice for EPS

Many prescriptions are now signed and sent electronically instead of the prescriber printing and signing the paper copy. If the GP is using electronic prescription service (EPS), your patient just needs to update their nomination details to JOBST Delivered (Daylong Direct, FJ708) for their compression garment prescriptions. The garment order cannot be processed until JOBST Delivered receive the prescription. JOBST Delivered can help your patient to update their nomination details or they can contact their GP. The patient can amend or cancel their dispenser of choice at any time. Email jobstdelivered@daylongdirect.co.uk with the patient's name and their NHS number.

Click on the links below for most frequently asked questions regarding the prescribing and dispensing of lymphoedema compression garments.



JOBST Delivered is operated by Daylong Direct, Unit 5, Heritage House, Cossall Industrial Estate, Ilkeston, Derby, DE7 5UD. To view their Privacy Policy visit www.daylong.co.uk

1 Woods M (2018) Audit cycle of the provision of compression garments on prescription. Br J Nurs 27(15): 869–75

2 Journal of Community Nursing (2021) Inaccuracies in dispensing compression garments: survey results. J Community Nurse 35(5): 64–6

3 From receipt of a complete order, and subject to stock. Majority of orders delivered in 7 working days, data on file.

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